Friday, September 03, 2004


All right, Phase 1 of moving is complete! Aw, hell yeah! I feel like I
finally accomplished something. I finished up this morning at 3am. Felt grungy
as all hell so I had to come straight home and take a bath. I feel MUCH better

The sad part of all this is I had to give my cats up today. [insert sad
weepy to infinity face here] My mother brought over three cardboard cat carriers
yesterday and all night I kept looking at them with the stupid logo on them
saying "I'M GOING HOME." That just made me all the more sad. So this morning
with a heavy heart, I started to round them up. I got Claude first and she was
surprisingly cooperative...she almost seemed resigned. She gave me a minimal
amount of trouble.

Her daughter, however, was a different story. Alice is now an outdoor crazy
cat, the kind that other cats veer away from....kinda like Grizella (was that
her name?) in "Cats." I tried and tried and tried and TRIED to get that girl
but I couldn't. She bit my forearm so hard and deep that it's bruising and I
look like an intravenous's swollen and sore...anyway, enough of
my problems. Alice finally crawled into a cat apartment/scratching post and
sat there spitting so I put the whole contraption outside on the porch. The
last time I saw her she was huddles on the porch looking wild. I left her some
food & water on the porch but....even though she's violent & crazy, I'm still
worried about her - this was her first time EVER outside.

Chazz was the hardest to give up. He was my sexy kitty, the cutest
cat in all the universe in the history of cats! When I get my real computer
& scanner up and going, I'll post a pic so you can all realize that I'm not
exaggerating in the least! He's a big boy, about 10-12 pounds and strong. He
fought Mom & I every step of the way...he did not want to get into that box.
He destroyed one and almost another before we got him. He cried the whole way
out to the car. It broke my heart.

Mom took the cats for me to the Humane Society. I wanted to give them to
DreamPower but they didn't have any homes for cats then. BUT, there was a lady
at the HS from PetCo who saw Chazz and agreed with my opinion that he was the
perfect cat and she took him for her store. Now I w ant to go to all the
PetCo's in town and find him so I can cry at his cage and see him one last time.
I hope someone gives Claude a good home...she's a good girl.

What's funny is that Mom cried while she was filling out their paperwork and
she didn't really even know my cats. I think she just knew they were my
babies and now I'm catless.

OKAY! Happier subject! A big THANKS!!!!!! to all the people who helped me

Dad - for driving the crappy U-Haul and helping me load everything in & out
of it on a hot day! And for your help on the garage!

Mom - for all the cleaning and cleaning supplies and for taking the cats. I
could never have survived that.

Derek- for your truck and for putting up with the cats even though you're

Squatchy - for your help Tuesday night.

Justin - for being so eager to help and "bust things up."

Jordyn - for opening the doors for me and carrying things and comic relief.

Collin - For helping me every day of your vacation and on nights when you had
to work the next day and all the crap work you did breaking things down...not
to mention the garage & utility room from hell. I owe you BIG!!!!

I'm really sore and tired and I'm going to bed!! Bye Bye!

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