Thursday, March 24, 2005

Fantasy Art Day

I love fantasy art. At one time I spent a lot of time combing the net looking for great stuff and making desktop themes for my computer from it. During this time I ran across some amazing artists. Check out some of this work:

Original Painting by David Delamare

I love mermaids (as you can probably tell by my header) and think this painting is absolutely gorgeous. David Delamare has some neat stuff at his site.

by Jessica Galbreath

I saw a lot of Jessica Galbreath's work the last time I was at Celebrations in Old Colorado City. I loved it all...check out her site for some great faery art.

by Selena French

Click to view. It doesn't seem to allow external linking.

I had never heard of Serena French until this morning when I was doing a search for this post but I really like her work. I thought this piece was especially cool.

by Jonathan Earl Bowser

Jonathan Earl Bowser is one of my favorite artists. I love his paintings, his use of color and the flow. I would LOVE to have some of his artwork in my home!

by Collin T Burton

And here we come to my favorite artist, Collin T Burton. How great is this picture? He's got a couple of artwork sites to check out.

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