Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Book Geek In Me

Last year I did the same thing - I kept track of how many books I read in the year and I did it this year, too. Here's the compilation:

Maskerade - Terry Pratchett
Hogfather - Terry Pratchett
The Last Continent - Terry Pratchett
Grave's End - Elaine Mercado
Ancient Mysteries - Peter James & Nick Thorpe
Ghost Hunter - The Warrens & Robert Chase
The Demonologist - Gerald Daniel Brittle

The Cat Who Went Bananas - Lillian Jackson Braun
The Rocky Road To Romance - Janet Evanovich
Haunted Castles Of Britain - Richard Jones
The Six Wives Of Henry VIII - Alison Weir

Life Expectancy - Dean Koontz
Healing With The Angels - Doreen Virtue
Spindrift - Phyllis A. Whitney
Abarat II - Clive Barker
Hauntings! - Hazel M. Denning
Metro Girl - Janet Evanovich
Haunted Inns of Britain & Ireland - Richard Jones

Murder List - Julie Garwood
Daddy's Little Girl - Mary Higgins Clark
Curse Of The Kings - Victoria Holt
Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy - Douglas Adams
Blue Fire - Phyllis A. Whitney
Kirkland Revels - Victoria Holt
True Colors - Diana Palmer
Not Without You - Janelle Taylor
The Mask Of The Enchantress - Victoria Holt
The Mystery Of The Whale Tattoo - Franklin Dixon
The Mystery Of The Desert Giant - Franklin Dixon
The Flickering Torch Mystery - Franklin Dixon
Cold Mountain - Charles Frazier
Bridget Jones' Diary - Helen Fielding

Full Bloom - Janet Evanovich & Charlotte Hughes
The Snake Tattoo - Linda Barnes
A Trouble Of Fools - Linda Barnes
Steel Guitar - Linda Barnes
Coyote - Linda Barnes
Hardware - Linda Barnes
The Best Revenge - Stephen White
Flashpoint - Linda Barnes
Snapshot - Linda Barnes
The Big Dig - Linda Barnes
The Dogs Of Babel - Carolyn Parkhurst
Missing Persons - Stephen White

Final Jeopardy - Linda Fairstein
Sleep Tight - Anne Fraser
Men At Arms - Terry Pratchett
Night Watch - Terry Pratchett
Serpent On The Crown - Elizabeth Peters
Guardian Of The Horizon - Elizabeth Peters
The Notebook - Nicholas Sparks
Sunset In St Tropez - Danielle Steel
The Serpent's Kiss - Mark T. Sullivan
Dark Horse - Tami Hoag

Eleven On Top - Janet Evanovich
Velocity - Dean Koontz
Cold Case - Linda Barnes
Deep Pockets - Linda Barnes
The Last Manly Man - Sparkle Hayter
Naked Brunch - Sparkle Hayter
Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince - JK Rowling

Queen Of This Realm - Jean Plaidy
Elizabeth: The Struggle For The Throne - David Starkey

My Enemy The Queen - Victoria Holt

The Murders Of Richard III - Elizabeth Peters
The Twelfth Card - Jeffery Deaver
Going Postal - Terry Pratchett
Scandal In Fair Haven - Carolyn Hart
The Stone Monkey - Jeffery Deaver
The Vanished Man - Jeffery Deaver

1st To Die - James Patterson
No Place Like Home - Mary Higgins Clark
2nd Chance - James Paterson
Thicker Than Water - Maggie Shane
3rd Degree - James Patterson
4th Of July - James Patterson
The Jester - Jeffery Deaver
Practical Demonkeeping - Christopher Moore
Interesting Times - Terry Pratchett
The Chelsea Girl Murders - Sparkle Hayter
Twisted - Jeffery Deaver
Carpe Jugulum - Terry Pratchett

Feet Of Clay - Terry Pratchett
Murder At The Washington Tribune - Margaret Truman
Death Of The Party - Carolyn Hart
Dance Upon The Air - Nora Roberts

I didn't get as much reading done this year as last year because I jumped back into genealogy with both feet so that cut into my reading time but the grand total of books I read in 2005 is: 86. Wow, I really slacked on the reading last year! Maybe my New Year's resolution will be to read 200 books this year!! :-) We'll see how that goes! I hope you all had a safe & happy New Year!


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