Monday, September 05, 2005

Bow Before Me

Last week while working on the genealogy for my father's side of the family, I discovered that through my 4th great grandmother, I am descended from Lord & Lady Westerfield of Suffolk, England. Their family name was Gosnold and one of my great grandfathers from that line was Gentleman Usher to Queen Elizabeth I and another great grandfather Gosnold was the man who decided on the legality of Lady Jane Grey's ascension to the throne. Another descendant was the man who discovered and named Martha's Vineyard after his daughter (my great aunt!!)...that particular trip to America was the basis for the shipwreck in Shakespeare's Tempest. I was very excited when I read all of this and immediately called Dad to let him know.

While I was relating all the news, Jordyn was, unbeknownst to me, listening to every word I said. When I hung up the phone, I turned to see her on the floor, bowing low. "Are you bowing to me because now I'm royal," I asked.

"Yes, your Honesty." (She meant Majesty but Honesty is cuter so I didn't correct her.) She spent the rest of the afternoon bringing me things, kissing my hand, and calling me "Honesty." It was the highlight of my week!

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